Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Golden Apple

For the most part, Skeetz & I have kept The Tree a lighthearted, fun place to spew our ramblings, and with a few exceptions rarely take on the really tough topics since there are so many other bloggers who do it so well. Yet today has been an emotional day for me so I'm going to go with a serious post for a minute here.

Most of you know I'm a member of Soldier’s Angels. Though not really active on "the Board", I have "adopted" 3 Soldiers, a Marine, an entire Air Force unit, and have two "unofficials" (an Army Major and a Seaman). We send letters; care packages and drawings by Babypred in the hopes of boosting the morale of those who so willingly sacrifice on our behalf. Recently, Bob's company cut me a check for $300 which my daughters and I were able to use to put together backpacks for wounded soldiers who arrive at the Combat Support Hospitals with literally nothing, so they have basics like clothing and toiletries before heading off to the main hospitals at Landstuhl and Walter Reed.

(I know they are the wrong colored camo, but honestly I don't think anyone cares).

Anyway the reason I bring all this up is because as most of you know, we have lost 20 Marines over the past few days. Now I know we have other readers at the Tree besides Dave and the guys at The Institute, so I'll plead to you. Our troops need our support more than ever. Soldier's Angels has many ways to support them; Blackfive does an excellent job of summing things up here.

It was through my involvement with Soldier's Angels and Babypreds love of Hi-5 that I met Danielle. She is a sweet, amazing person whose husband’s deployment took a toll on her little boy. The families left behind go through hell, but look at what the support of civilians back home can do. (Registration may be required).

So it's with great honor that she has given me the green light to go ahead and help her publicize her project, High Fives for Heroes. This is an extremely simple way to show our troops that we care, and especially fun for those with small children. It's my hope that her vision will come to life. If our troops are to succeed in stabilizing such a dangerous part of the world they need to know we are behind them. And just so you know, you don't need to have children to participate- she has received hands from everywhere- including some giant hands from the Carolina Panthers!

I’ve begged for plugs for SA before, and so many of you have come through including Curmudgeonisms, The Ebb and Flow Institute, Villainous Company, my absolutely favorite Colorado Cat who pitched SA on her station and of course Greyhawk, who plugs without my prodding and inspired me to get involved in the first place. I’m now about to open this up to the Angels, who I KNOW in perfect Angel fashion will come through for the Angells. Coincidence?


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