Thursday, May 26, 2005

My White Flag

I bought a CD from one of my favorite bands this week. Surprisingly (yes, that is sarcasm), it was full of anti-war songs and liberal ideology! I was talking to a friend of mine whom I knew liked the same band and we both agreed that it is a great CD although neither of us agree with their political views. This is something that I have tried to fight, but I officially give up! Yes, the System of a Down CD is great, but I have to say that the lyrics are not only extremely liberal, but they aren't even fresh. "B.Y.O.B." is nothing more than a poor man's "Warpigs."

It made me think. Where are all the REAL rebels. I know that most of these bands (Green Day, Beastie Boys, and even Bruce Springstein) think that their lyrics are rebellious and push the political establishment, but the real truth is that it is old and predictable. However, it is simply their own selfish need to feel important. Want to be a real rebel? Write a song about the injustices of a President getting head in the oval office and how that is an abuse of power to take advantage of a young woman. Or, write about how a certain Governor of a State was sucking the dick of a man who he wanted to make the "Head" of Homeland Security in that state. Even when his gay lover had absolutely NO qualifications to hold a position as a security guard. I use the word position in that last sentence with extreme caution! Now writing a song about this would be highly relevant, and courageous because the band that records this song would subject themselves to ridicule before their peers. Not to mention that it would take a bit more creativity.

So, I will continue to admire the bands that I like, even though their thoughts and ideals are stale and unoriginal. Until a REAL rebel comes along and bucks the entertainment industry with their conservative lyrics! Then, we can see how long they last and when they are history, I can admire the fact that they are the true Martyrs. Here's a little secret......The Doors, Black Sabbath, and many others truly were rebels 40 years ago. Today's bands are simply posers trying to capture the spirit that these originators set forth.

Oh yeah, one last rant......Brigth eyes is a band that has the same boring concepts, but they simply SUCK!


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