Sunday, April 03, 2005

Got It!

For those of you who are unfamiliar, this is a blog and blogs read from bottom up. So if you are reading this before the Easter post you just ain't gonna get it, so go down a few posts, then come back up. And no, I'm not referring to anything bulemic or sexual. READING, folks.

Okay, so Christ, Rabbit, Eggs. Sounds like a bad Kevin Bacon movie, but I've got the connection.

See, just before Jesus was crucified, he had dinner with a couple of his buds (and the one backstabbing asshole that usually comes in tangent with real buds~ I think we are all too familiar with the type). Anyhoo, at this dinner he blessed the bread and wine, and being all that the wine was holy, it turned the jelly glass it was in holy, too, and this became the Holyjellyglass. Lestbeknown to us, said Holyjellyglass was guarded by, that's right. the Rabbit, as we all know from the historically accurate Monty Python movie. Yet, Rabbits don't lay eggs, which left this philosopher of great intellect with a grave question, heretofore be answered by the following:

The wine was Manischewitz, or paint thinner, and being just a little buzzed, St. Peter accidently dropped his HolyHardBoiledEgg into the HolyJellyGlass, thereby coloring it a Deep Purple (also resulting in the name of a Rock Band). Later we would continue this tradition with actual Vinegar and Paas Easter Egg coloring tablets.

So there you have it.


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