Saturday, February 19, 2005

...And, in news that you WONT see on CBS....

Here is a classic example of the media burying anything positive that The President does. I watched CBS, NBC, and ABC news last night and this morning and there was NO MENTION of this important piece of legislation. Even FOX had it as a simple blurb!

Basically, we have all gotten those little checks from a Class Action lawsuit (usually 56 CENTS or something gay like that). What we don't know is that usually, over 70% of the settlement went to some lawyer that none of us know who argued the case. Now, they are limited. Boy, this will have Hillary back in the hospital in no time!

I LOVE The Internet, but sometimes it serves as flypaper for retards! Klamath Falls, OR is a mostly mormon town (with your standard methamphetamine section), and a few complete TOOLS!


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